Falling ~ Tribute to Autumn

Works by Katie Cheung, Rene Yung, and Hye-Kyung Kim

September 21 - November 23, 2007

Opening Reception: Friday, September 21, 2007, 3 - 6pm, Katie Cheung in Attendance

Art Beatus (Vancouver) Consultancy Ltd. is delighted to present, ‘Falling – Tribute To Autumn’ starting Friday, September 21, 2007 and running to November 23, 2007.  Works in this entirely female-artist exhibit will include paintings by Katie Cheung from Vancouver, BC, prints by Rene Yung of San Francisco and mixed media works by Hye-Kyung Kim from Victoria, BC.  Pieces that reminded us of the evocative shades, moods and scents of autumn were specifically chosen as a way to welcome the change in season.  A reception will be held on Friday, September 21, 2007 from 3pm to 6pm.  Featured artist, Katie Cheung will be present at the opening and the public is encouraged to attend.     

Vancouver-based artist Katie Cheung, was born in Hong Kong.  Dissatisfied with only learning the techniques of brush painting, Katie pursued an interest in western art practices by attending Langara College’s Fine Arts Program.  After receiving her degree in 1993, Katie went on to Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design to try her hand at oil painting; she soon began developing her own style.  With sensual, transparent washes of colour and abstract imagery, Katie Cheung’s works envelop viewers in a richness, depth and warmth.  While she is well-known for her delightfully jubilant and melodious paintings of the ‘apple’, she is constantly progressing and brings new works to this exhibition.  Katie continues with the ‘apple’ but there is a wondrous divergence in style.  The artist also brings viewers a completely new series of work, both beautiful and engaging.  Her ‘Lily Pond’ series is reminiscent of Monet, but is very-much Katie Cheung.

Installation artist Rene Yung was born in Hong Kong and currently lives and works in San Francisco. Her work focuses on being, memory and place. As an immigrant to the United States who grew up in colonial Hong Kong, she is particularly interested in the complexities of cultural identity.  “Memory informs identity. Memory is also the only thing that an immigrant can bring with certainty to a new land.  Yet with time, memory shifts and changes--and so too, the person who remembers”.  Although most of the artist’s work is in installation form, the “Falling” exhibition will feature prints from Yung’s ‘MountainRiver’ series.  Exquisitely detailed drawings of seeds and stones expose crevasses, valleys and small fibers which resemble trees; topographies that resemble mountain and river landscapes.  Yung suggests that seeds carry the potential for self-renewal; they are nature’s carrier in a ready to go package which is constantly being dislocated.  “Through my work I try to connect past and present, memory and idea, the personal and the universal, and find a home in this shifting world”.

Born in Seoul, Korea, Hye-Kyung Kim loved to draw as a child.  In her early years, she took private lessons from well-known painters in Korea, participating in several national art exhibitions and winning prestigious awards. Throughout this period, she studied various fine art styles, later obtaining her Master of Fine Arts degree at Hong-Ik University in Seoul with a major in oriental painting.  While wishing to be true to her Korean heritage, Kim works to overcome the limitations of oriental painting, feeling that, "tradition should be developed and renewed rather than simply sustained".  Incorporating quiet and subtle elements from nature in her work, the artist leans towards modernism, mixing Western and Asian design. Her work with its childlike quality has a sophisticated approach.  With a disregard for frivolous details, the essence of the artist’s image is most important. Hye-Kyung Kim now makes her home in Victoria, BC.  Her work can be found in many collections, including those of the Korean Presidential Mansion and other private, corporate, and gallery collections.

“Falling - Tribute To Autumn” begins Friday, September 21, 2007 and runs through to Friday, November 23, 2007.  Art Beatus (Vancouver) is open from Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm.  The office is closed weekends and holidays.  Calling or emailing to arrange an appointment is highly recommended.  Admission is free.

Art Beatus, with a location in Vancouver, Canada and two locations in Hong Kong, showcases international art with a focus on contemporary Chinese art.

Art Beatus (Vancouver) is located in the Nelson Square Office Tower at 108 – 808 Nelson Street.  For more information, please contact Media Relations, Tamla Mah by email to info@artbeatus.com or by telephone at 604.688.2633.  

Apple in the Pond I

Lonely Leaf